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Face Recognition Pipeline Tutorial

1. Introduction to the Face Recognition Pipeline

Face recognition is a crucial component in the field of computer vision, aiming to automatically identify individuals by analyzing and comparing facial features. This task involves not only detecting faces in images but also extracting and matching facial features to find corresponding identity information in a database. Face recognition is widely used in security authentication, surveillance systems, social media, smart devices, and other scenarios.

The face recognition pipeline is an end-to-end system dedicated to solving face detection and recognition tasks. It can quickly and accurately locate face regions in images, extract facial features, and retrieve and compare them with pre-established features in a feature database to confirm identity information.

The face recognition pipeline includes a face detection module and a face feature module, with several models in each module. Which models to use can be selected based on the benchmark data below. If you prioritize model accuracy, choose models with higher accuracy; if you prioritize inference speed, choose models with faster inference; if you prioritize model size, choose models with smaller storage requirements.

Face Detection Module:

ModelModel Download Link AP (%)
GPU Inference Time (ms) CPU Inference Time Model Size (M) Description
BlazeFaceInference Model/Trained Model 77.7/73.4/49.5 0.447 A lightweight and efficient face detection model
BlazeFace-FPN-SSHInference Model/Trained Model 83.2/80.5/60.5 52.4 73.2 0.606 Improved BlazeFace with FPN and SSH structures
PicoDet_LCNet_x2_5_faceInference Model/Trained Model 93.7/90.7/68.1 33.7 185.1 28.9 Face detection model based on PicoDet_LCNet_x2_5
PP-YOLOE_plus-S_faceInference Model/Trained Model 93.9/91.8/79.8 25.8 159.9 26.5 Face detection model based on PP-YOLOE_plus-S

Note: The above accuracy metrics are evaluated on the WIDER-FACE validation set with an input size of 640x640. All GPU inference times are based on an NVIDIA V100 machine with FP32 precision. CPU inference speeds are based on an Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6271C CPU @ 2.60GHz and FP32 precision.

Face Recognition Module:

ModelModel Download Link Output Feature Dimension Acc (%)
GPU Inference Time (ms) CPU Inference Time Model Size (M) Description
MobileFaceNetInference Model/Trained Model 128 96.28/96.71/99.58 5.7 101.6 4.1 Face recognition model trained on MS1Mv3 based on MobileFaceNet
ResNet50_faceInference Model/Trained Model 512 98.12/98.56/99.77 8.7 200.7 87.2 Face recognition model trained on MS1Mv3 based on ResNet50

Note: The above accuracy metrics are Accuracy scores measured on the AgeDB-30, CFP-FP, and LFW datasets, respectively. All GPU inference times are based on an NVIDIA Tesla T4 machine with FP32 precision. CPU inference speeds are based on an Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 5117 CPU @ 2.00GHz with 8 threads and FP32 precision.

2. Quick Start

The pre-trained model pipelines provided by PaddleX can be quickly experienced. You can experience the effects of the face recognition pipeline online or locally using command-line or Python.

2.1 Online Experience

Oneline Experience is not supported at the moment.

2.2 Local Experience

❗ Before using the facial recognition pipeline locally, please ensure that you have completed the installation of the PaddleX wheel package according to the PaddleX Installation Guide.

2.2.1 Command Line Experience

Command line experience is not supported at the moment.

2.2.2 Integration via Python Script

Please download the test image for testing. In the example of running this pipeline, you need to pre-build a facial feature library. You can refer to the following instructions to download the official demo data to be used for subsequent construction of the facial feature library. You can use the following command to download the demo dataset to a specified folder:

cd /path/to/paddlex
tar -xf ./face_demo_gallery.tar

If you wish to build a facial feature library using a private dataset, please refer to Section 2.3: Data Organization for Building a Feature Library. Afterward, you can complete the establishment of the facial feature library and quickly perform inference with the facial recognition pipeline using just a few lines of code.

from paddlex import create_pipeline

pipeline = create_pipeline(pipeline="face_recognition")

index_data = pipeline.build_index(gallery_imgs="face_demo_gallery", gallery_label="face_demo_gallery/gallery.txt")"face_index")

output = pipeline.predict("friends1.jpg", index=index_data)
for res in output:

In the above Python script, the following steps are executed:

(1) Instantiate the create_pipeline to create a face recognition pipeline object. The specific parameter descriptions are as follows:

Parameter Description Type Default
pipeline The name of the pipeline or the path to the pipeline configuration file. If it is the pipeline name, it must be a pipeline supported by PaddleX. str None
device The device for pipeline model inference. Supports: "gpu", "cpu". str "gpu"
use_hpip Whether to enable high-performance inference, only available when the pipeline supports high-performance inference. bool False

(2) Call the build_index method of the face recognition pipeline object to build the facial feature library. The specific parameters are described as follows:

Parameter Description Type Default
gallery_imgs Base library images to be added, supported formats: 1. str type representing the root directory of images, with data organization consistent with the method used when constructing the index library, refer to Section 2.3: Data Organization for Building a Feature Library; 2. [numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, ..] type base library image data. str|list None
gallery_label Annotation information for base library images, supported formats: 1. str type representing the path to the annotation file, with data organization consistent with the method used when constructing the feature library, refer to Section 2.3: Data Organization for Building a Feature Library; 2. [str, str, ..] type representing the annotations of base library images. str None

The feature library object index supports the save method, which is used to save the feature library to disk:

Parameter Description Type Default Value
save_path The directory to save the feature library file, e.g., drink_index. str None

(3) Call the predict method of the face recognition pipeline object for inference prediction: The predict method parameter is x, used to input data to be predicted, supporting multiple input methods, as shown in the following examples:

Parameter Type Description
Python Var Supports directly passing in Python variables, such as image data represented by numpy.ndarray.
str Supports passing in the file path of the data to be predicted, such as the local path of an image file: /root/data/img.jpg.
str Supports passing in the URL of the data file to be predicted, such as the network URL of an image file: Example.
str Supports passing in a local directory containing the data files to be predicted, such as the local path: /root/data/.
dict Supports passing in a dictionary type, where the key needs to correspond to the specific task, such as "img" for image classification tasks, and the value of the dictionary supports the above types of data, for example: {"img": "/root/data1"}.
list Supports passing in a list, where the list elements need to be the above types of data, such as [numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray], ["/root/data/img1.jpg", "/root/data/img2.jpg"], ["/root/data1", "/root/data2"], [{"img": "/root/data1"}, {"img": "/root/data2/img.jpg"}].

(4) Obtain the prediction results by calling the predict method: The predict method is a generator, so prediction results need to be obtained through iteration. The predict method predicts data in batches, so the prediction results are in the form of a list.

(5) Process the prediction results: The prediction result for each sample is of type dict, and it supports printing or saving to a file. The supported file types depend on the specific pipeline, such as:

Method Description Method Parameters
print Print results to the terminal - format_json: Boolean, whether to format the output with JSON indentation, default is True;
- indent: Integer, JSON formatting setting, effective only when format_json is True, default is 4;
- ensure_ascii: Boolean, JSON formatting setting, effective only when format_json is True, default is False;
save_to_json Save results as a JSON file - save_path: String, file path for saving; if it's a directory, the saved file name matches the input file name;
- indent: Integer, JSON formatting setting, default is 4;
- ensure_ascii: Boolean, JSON formatting setting, default is False;
save_to_img Save results as an image file - save_path: String, file path for saving; if it's a directory, the saved file name matches the input file name;

If you have obtained the configuration file, you can customize various settings of the facial recognition pipeline by simply modifying the pipeline parameter value in the create_pipeline method to the path of the pipeline configuration file.

For example, if your configuration file is saved at ./my_path/face_recognition.yaml, you just need to execute:

from paddlex import create_pipeline
pipeline = create_pipeline(pipeline="./my_path/face_recognition.yaml", index="face_index")

output = pipeline.predict("friends1.jpg")
for res in output:

2.2.3 Adding and Deleting Operations in the Face Feature Library

If you wish to add more face images to the feature library, you can call the append_index method; to delete face image features, you can call the remove_index method.

from paddlex import create_pipeline

pipeline = create_pipeline(pipeline="face_recognition")

index_data = pipeline.build_index(gallery_imgs="face_demo_gallery", gallery_label="face_demo_gallery/gallery.txt", index_type="IVF", metric_type="IP")
index_data = pipeline.append_index(gallery_imgs="face_demo_gallery", gallery_label="face_demo_gallery/gallery.txt", index=index_data)
index_data = pipeline.remove_index(remove_ids="face_demo_gallery/remove_ids.txt", index=index_data)"face_index")

The add_index method parameters are described as follows:

Parameter Description Type Default
gallery_imgs Base library images to be added, supported formats: 1. str type representing the root directory of images, with data organization consistent with the method used when constructing the index library, refer to Section 2.3: Data Organization for Building a Feature Library; 2. [numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, ..] type base library image data. str|list None
gallery_label Annotation information for base library images, supported formats: 1. str type representing the path to the annotation file, with data organization consistent with the method used when constructing the feature library, refer to Section 2.3: Data Organization for Building a Feature Library; 2. [str, str, ..] type representing the annotations of base library images. str|list None
remove_ids Index numbers to be removed, supported formats: 1. str type representing the path of a txt file, with content being the IDs of indexes to be removed, one "id" per line; 2. [int, int, ..] type representing the index numbers to be removed. Only effective in remove_index. str|list None
index Feature library, supported formats: 1. The path to the directory containing the feature library files (vector.index and index_info.yaml); 2. IndexData type feature library object, only effective in append_index and remove_index, representing the feature library to be modified. str|IndexData None
index_type Supports HNSW32, IVF, Flat. Among them, HNSW32 offers fast retrieval speed and high accuracy, but does not support the remove_index() operation; IVF offers fast retrieval speed but relatively lower accuracy, supporting both append_index() and remove_index() operations; Flat offers lower retrieval speed but higher accuracy, supporting both append_index() and remove_index() operations. str HNSW32
metric_type Supports: IP, Inner Product; L2, Euclidean Distance. str IP

2.3 Data Organization for Feature Library Construction

The face recognition pipeline example in PaddleX requires a pre-constructed feature library for face feature retrieval. If you wish to build a face feature library with private data, you need to organize the data as follows:

data_root             # Root directory of the dataset, the directory name can be changed
├── images            # Directory for saving images, the directory name can be changed
   ├── ID0           # Identity ID name, preferably meaningful, such as a person's name
      ├── xxx.jpg   # Image, nested directories are supported
      ├── xxx.jpg   # Image, nested directories are supported
   ├── ID1           # Identity ID name, preferably meaningful, such as a person's name
      ├── xxx.jpg   # Image, nested directories are supported
      ├── xxx.jpg   # Image, nested directories are supported
└── gallery.txt       # Annotation file for the feature library dataset, the file name cannot be changed. Each line gives the path of the face image to be retrieved and the image feature label, separated by a space. Example content: images/Chandler/Chandler00037.jpg Chandler

3. Development Integration/Deployment

If the face recognition pipeline meets your requirements for inference speed and accuracy, you can proceed directly with development integration/deployment.

If you need to directly apply the face recognition pipeline in your Python project, you can refer to the example code in 2.2.2 Python Script Integration.

Additionally, PaddleX provides three other deployment methods, detailed as follows:

🚀 High-Performance Inference: In actual production environments, many applications have stringent standards for the performance metrics of deployment strategies (especially response speed) to ensure efficient system operation and smooth user experience. To this end, PaddleX provides high-performance inference plugins aimed at deeply optimizing model inference and pre/post-processing to significantly speed up the end-to-end process. For detailed high-performance inference procedures, please refer to the PaddleX High-Performance Inference Guide.

☁️ Service-Oriented Deployment: Service-oriented deployment is a common deployment form in actual production environments. By encapsulating inference functionality as services, clients can access these services through network requests to obtain inference results. PaddleX supports users in achieving service-oriented deployment of pipelines at low cost. For detailed service-oriented deployment procedures, please refer to the PaddleX Service-Oriented Deployment Guide.

Below are the API reference and multi-language service invocation examples:

API Reference

The main operations provided by the service are as follows:

  • buildIndex

Build feature vector index.

POST /face-recognition-index-build

  • The properties of the request body are as follows:
Name Type Description Required
imageLabelPairs array Image-label pairs used to build the index. Yes

Each element in imageLabelPairs is an object with the following properties:

Name Type Description
image string The URL of the image file accessible to the service or the Base64 encoded content of the image file.
label string Label.
  • When the request is successfully processed, the result in the response body has the following properties:
Name Type Description
indexKey string The key corresponding to the index, used to identify the established index. Can be used as input for other operations.
idMap object Mapping from vector ID to label.
  • addImagesToIndex

Add images (corresponding feature vectors) to the index.

POST /face-recognition-index-add

  • The properties of the request body are as follows:
Name Type Description Required
imageLabelPairs array Image-label pairs used to build the index. Yes
indexKey string The key corresponding to the index. Provided by the buildIndex operation. Yes

Each element in imageLabelPairs is an object with the following properties:

Name Type Description
image string The URL of the image file accessible to the service or the Base64 encoded content of the image file.
label string Label.
  • When the request is successfully processed, the result in the response body has the following properties:
Name Type Description
idMap object Mapping from vector ID to label.
  • removeImagesFromIndex

Remove images (corresponding feature vectors) from the index.

POST /face-recognition-index-remove

  • The properties of the request body are as follows:
Name Type Description Required
ids array IDs of vectors to be removed from the index. Yes
indexKey string The key corresponding to the index. Provided by the buildIndex operation. Yes
  • When the request is successfully processed, the result in the response body has the following properties:
Name Type Description
idMap object Mapping from vector ID to label.
  • infer

Perform image recognition.

POST /face-recognition-infer

  • The properties of the request body are as follows:
Name Type Description Required
image string The URL of the image file accessible to the service or the Base64 encoded content of the image file. Yes
indexKey string The key corresponding to the index. Provided by the buildIndex operation. No
  • When the request is successfully processed, the result in the response body has the following properties:
Name Type Description
faces array Information about detected faces.
image string Recognition result image. The image is in JPEG format and encoded using Base64.

Each element in faces is an object with the following properties:

Name Type Description
bbox array Face target position. The elements in the array are the x-coordinate of the top-left corner, the y-coordinate of the top-left corner, the x-coordinate of the bottom-right corner, and the y-coordinate of the bottom-right corner, in order.
recResults array Recognition results.
score number Detection score.

Each element in recResults is an object with the following properties:

Name Type Description
label string Label.
score number Recognition score.
Multilingual Service Invocation Examples
import base64
import pprint
import sys

import requests


base_image_label_pairs = [
    {"image": "./demo0.jpg", "label": "ID0"},
    {"image": "./demo1.jpg", "label": "ID1"},
    {"image": "./demo2.jpg", "label": "ID2"},
image_label_pairs_to_add = [
    {"image": "./demo3.jpg", "label": "ID2"},
ids_to_remove = [1]
infer_image_path = "./demo4.jpg"
output_image_path = "./out.jpg"

for pair in base_image_label_pairs:
    with open(pair["image"], "rb") as file:
        image_bytes =
        image_data = base64.b64encode(image_bytes).decode("ascii")
    pair["image"] = image_data

payload = {"imageLabelPairs": base_image_label_pairs}
resp_index_build ="{API_BASE_URL}/face-recognition-index-build", json=payload)
if resp_index_build.status_code != 200:
    print(f"Request to face-recognition-index-build failed with status code {resp_index_build}.")
result_index_build = resp_index_build.json()["result"]
print(f"Number of images indexed: {len(result_index_build['idMap'])}")

for pair in image_label_pairs_to_add:
    with open(pair["image"], "rb") as file:
        image_bytes =
        image_data = base64.b64encode(image_bytes).decode("ascii")
    pair["image"] = image_data

payload = {"imageLabelPairs": image_label_pairs_to_add, "indexKey": result_index_build["indexKey"]}
resp_index_add ="{API_BASE_URL}/face-recognition-index-add", json=payload)
if resp_index_add.status_code != 200:
    print(f"Request to face-recognition-index-add failed with status code {resp_index_add}.")
result_index_add = resp_index_add.json()["result"]
print(f"Number of images indexed: {len(result_index_add['idMap'])}")

payload = {"ids": ids_to_remove, "indexKey": result_index_build["indexKey"]}
resp_index_remove ="{API_BASE_URL}/face-recognition-index-remove", json=payload)
if resp_index_remove.status_code != 200:
    print(f"Request to face-recognition-index-remove failed with status code {resp_index_remove}.")
result_index_remove = resp_index_remove.json()["result"]
print(f"Number of images indexed: {len(result_index_remove['idMap'])}")

with open(infer_image_path, "rb") as file:
    image_bytes =
    image_data = base64.b64encode(image_bytes).decode("ascii")

payload = {"image": image_data, "indexKey": result_index_build["indexKey"]}
resp_infer ="{API_BASE_URL}/face-recognition-infer", json=payload)
if resp_infer.status_code != 200:
    print(f"Request to face-recogntion-infer failed with status code {resp_infer}.")
result_infer = resp_infer.json()["result"]

with open(output_image_path, "wb") as file:
print(f"Output image saved at {output_image_path}")
print("\nDetected faces:")

📱 Edge Deployment: Edge deployment is a method where computing and data processing functions are placed on the user's device itself, allowing the device to process data directly without relying on remote servers. PaddleX supports deploying models on edge devices such as Android. For detailed edge deployment procedures, please refer to the PaddleX Edge Deployment Guide. You can choose an appropriate method to deploy your model pipeline based on your needs, and proceed with subsequent AI application integration.

4. Custom Development

If the default model weights provided by the Face Recognition Pipeline do not meet your expectations in terms of accuracy or speed for your specific scenario, you can try to further fine-tune the existing models using your own domain-specific or application-specific data to enhance the recognition performance of the pipeline in your scenario.

4.1 Model Fine-tuning

Since the Face Recognition Pipeline consists of two modules (face detection and face recognition), the suboptimal performance of the pipeline may stem from either module.

You can analyze images with poor recognition results. If you find that many faces are not detected during the analysis, it may indicate deficiencies in the face detection model. In this case, you need to refer to the Custom Development section in the Face Detection Module Development Tutorial and use your private dataset to fine-tune the face detection model. If matching errors occur in detected faces, it suggests that the face feature model needs further improvement. You should refer to the Custom Development section in the Face Feature Module Development Tutorial to fine-tune the face feature model.

4.2 Model Application

After completing fine-tuning training with your private dataset, you will obtain local model weight files.

To use the fine-tuned model weights, you only need to modify the pipeline configuration file by replacing the local paths of the fine-tuned model weights with the corresponding paths in the pipeline configuration file:

  device: "gpu:0"
  det_model: "BlazeFace"        # Can be modified to the local path of the fine-tuned face detection model
  rec_model: "MobileFaceNet"    # Can be modified to the local path of the fine-tuned face recognition model
  det_batch_size: 1
  rec_batch_size: 1
  device: gpu
Subsequently, refer to the command-line method or Python script method in 2.2 Local Experience to load the modified pipeline configuration file. Note: Currently, setting separate batch_size for face detection and face recognition models is not supported.

5. Multi-hardware Support

PaddleX supports various mainstream hardware devices such as NVIDIA GPUs, Kunlun XPU, Ascend NPU, and Cambricon MLU. Simply modifying the --device parameter allows seamless switching between different hardware.

For example, when running the face recognition pipeline using Python and changing the running device from an NVIDIA GPU to an Ascend NPU, you only need to modify the device in the script to npu:

from paddlex import create_pipeline

pipeline = create_pipeline(
    device="npu:0" # gpu:0 --> npu:0
If you want to use the face recognition pipeline on more types of hardware, please refer to the PaddleX Multi-device Usage Guide.
