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Overview of PaddleX Model Pipeline Usage

If you have already experienced the pre-trained model pipeline effects in PaddleX and wish to proceed directly with model fine-tuning, you can jump to Model Selection.

The complete PaddleX model pipeline development process is illustrated in the following diagram:

PaddleX Model Pipeline Development Flowchart

graph LR
    select_pipeline(Select Pipeline) --> online_experience[Quick Experience]
    online_experience --> online_ok{Satisfied with Results?}
    online_ok --No--> select_model[Select Model]
    select_model --> model_finetune[Model Fine-tuning]
    online_ok --Yes--> development_integration(Development Integration/Deployment)
    model_finetune --> pipeline_test[Pipeline Testing]
    pipeline_test --> test_ok{Satisfied with Results?}
    test_ok --No--> select_model
    test_ok --Yes--> development_integration

The pre-trained model pipelines provided by PaddleX allow for quick experience of effects. If the pipeline effects meet your requirements, you can directly proceed with development integration/deployment of the pre-trained model pipeline. If the effects are not as expected, you can use your private data to fine-tune the models within the pipeline until satisfactory results are achieved.

Below, let's take the task of boarding pass recognition as an example to introduce the local usage process of the PaddleX model pipeline tool. Before use, please ensure you have completed the installation of PaddleX according to the PaddleX Local Installation Tutorial.

1. Select Pipeline

Each pipeline in PaddleX can solve specific task scenarios such as object detection, time series prediction, semantic segmentation, etc. You need to select the pipeline for subsequent development based on the specific task. For example, for the boarding pass recognition task, the corresponding PaddleX pipeline is the General OCR Pipeline. More task-pipeline correspondences can be found in the PaddleX Models List (CPU/GPU).

2. Quick Start

Each pipeline in PaddleX integrates numerous pre-trained models. You can first experience the effects of the PaddleX pre-trained model pipeline. If the effects of the pre-trained model pipeline meet your expectations, you can proceed directly with Development Integration/Deployment. If not, optimize the pipeline effects according to the subsequent steps.

PaddleX provides three ways to quickly experience pipeline effects. You can choose the appropriate method based on your needs:

To demonstrate the OCR pipeline for the boarding pass recognition task, you can quickly experience the pipeline's effect in three ways:

🌐 Online Experience

You can experience the effects of the universal OCR pipeline in AI Studio online. Use the official demo image provided for recognition, for example:

💻 Command Line Experience

A single command can quickly experience the pipeline effects. Use the test file, and replace --input with a local path for prediction:

paddlex --pipeline OCR --input general_ocr_002.png --device gpu:0
Parameter description:

--pipeline: Pipeline name, which is the OCR pipeline in this case.
--input: Local path or URL of the input image to be processed.
--device: GPU serial number used (for example, gpu:0 means using the 0th GPU, gpu:1,2 means using the 1st and 2nd GPUs), or you can choose to use CPU (--device cpu).
👉Click to view the running results

After running, the result is:

{'input_path': 'general_ocr_002.png', 'dt_polys': [array([[ 6, 13],
       [64, 13],
       [64, 31],
       [ 6, 31]], dtype=int16), array([[210,  14],
       [238,  14],
       [830, 445],
       [830, 464],
       [338, 473]], dtype=int16)], 'dt_scores': [0.7629529090100092, 0.7717284653547034, 0.7139251666762622, 0.8057611181556994, 0.8840947658872964, 0.793295938183885, 0.8342027855884783, 0.8081378522874861, 0.8436969344212185, 0.8500845646497226, 0.7932189714842249, 0.8875924621248228, 0.8827884273639948, 0.8322404317386042, 0.8614796803023563, 0.8804252994596097, 0.9069978945305474, 0.8383917914190059, 0.8495824076580516, 0.8825556800041383, 0.852788927706737, 0.8379584696974435, 0.8633519228646618, 0.763234473595298, 0.8602154244410916, 0.9206341882426813, 0.6341425973804049, 0.8490156149797171, 0.758314821564747, 0.8757849788793592, 0.772485060565334, 0.8404023012596349, 0.8190037953773427, 0.851908529295617, 0.6126112758079643, 0.7324388418218587], 'rec_text': ['www.9', '5', 'boarding pass', 'BOARDING', 'PASS', 'cabin class', '', 'CLASS', 'SERIAL NO', 'seat number', 'SEAT NO', 'flight FLIGHT', 'date DATE', '03DEC', 'W', '035', 'MU 2379', 'departure city', 'FROM', 'boarding gate', 'GATE', 'boarding time BDT', 'destination TO', 'Fuzhou', 'Taiyuan', 'G11', 'FUZHOU', 'ID NO', 'NAME', 'ZHANGQIWEI', 'ticket number TKTNO', 'Zhang Qiwei', 'fare FARE', 'ETKT7813699238489/1', 'The boarding gate closes 10 minutes before departure', 'GATES CLOSE 10 MINUTES BEFORE DEPARTURE TIME'], 'rec_score': [0.683099627494812, 0.23417049646377563, 0.9969978928565979, 0.9945957660675049, 0.9787729382514954, 0.9983421564102173, 0.0, 0.9896272420883179, 0.9927973747253418, 0.9976049065589905, 0.9330753684043884, 0.9562691450119019, 0.9312669038772583, 0.9749765396118164, 0.9749416708946228, 0.9988260865211487, 0.9319792985916138, 0.9979889988899231, 0.9956836700439453, 0.9991750717163086, 0.9938803315162659, 0.9982991218566895, 0.9701204299926758, 0.9986245632171631, 0.9888408780097961, 0.9793729782104492, 0.9952947497367859, 0.9945247173309326, 0.9919753670692444, 0.991995632648468, 0.9937331080436707, 0.9963390827178955, 0.9954304695129395, 0.9934715628623962, 0.9974429607391357, 0.9529641270637512]}

The visualization result is as follows:

When executing the above command, the default OCR pipeline configuration file is loaded. If you need a custom configuration file, you can follow the steps below:

👉Click to expand

Get the OCR pipeline configuration file:

paddlex --get_pipeline_config OCR

After execution, the OCR pipeline configuration file will be saved in the current path. If you want to customize the save location, you can execute the following command (assuming the custom save location is ./my_path):

paddlex --get_pipeline_config OCR --save_path ./my_path

After obtaining the pipeline configuration file, you can replace --pipeline with the configuration file save path to make the configuration file take effect. For example, if the configuration file save path is ./ocr.yaml, just execute:

paddlex --pipeline ./ocr.yaml --input general_ocr_002.png

Parameters such as --model, --device do not need to be specified, and the parameters in the configuration file will be used. If parameters are still specified, the specified parameters will prevail.

💻 Python Script Experience

A few lines of code can quickly experience the pipeline effects:

from paddlex import create_pipeline

pipeline = create_pipeline(pipeline="OCR")

output = pipeline.predict("general_ocr_002.png")
for res in output:

The following steps are executed:

  • create_pipeline() instantiates the pipeline object
  • Passes the image and calls the predict method of the pipeline object for inference prediction
  • Processes the prediction results

❗ The results obtained from running the Python script are the same as those from the command line method.

If the pre-trained model pipeline meets your expectations, you can proceed directly to development integration/deployment. If not, optimize the pipeline effects according to the following steps.

3. Model Selection (Optional)

Since a pipeline may contain one or more models, when fine-tuning models, you need to determine which model to fine-tune based on testing results. Taking the OCR pipeline for boarding pass recognition as an example, this pipeline includes a text detection model (e.g., PP-OCRv4_mobile_det) and a text recognition model (e.g., PP-OCRv4_mobile_rec). If the text positioning is inaccurate, you need to fine-tune the text detection model. If the text recognition is inaccurate, you need to fine-tune the text recognition model. If you are unsure which models are included in the pipeline, you can refer to the PaddleX Models List (CPU/GPU)

4. Model Fine-tuning (Optional)

After determining the model to fine-tune, you need to train the model with your private dataset. PaddleX provides a single-model development tool that can complete model training with a single command:

python -c paddlex/configs/text_recognition/PP-OCRv4_mobile_rec.yaml \
    -o Global.mode=train \
    -o Global.dataset_dir=your/dataset_dir
In addition, PaddleX provides detailed tutorials for preparing private datasets for model fine-tuning, single-model inference, and more. For details, please refer to the PaddleX Modules Tutorials

5. Pipeline Testing (Optional)

After fine-tuning your model with a private dataset, you will obtain local model weight files.

To use the fine-tuned model weights, simply modify the pipeline configuration file by replacing the local paths of the fine-tuned model weights with the corresponding paths in the configuration file:

  det_model: PP-OCRv4_server_det  # Can be modified to the local path of the fine-tuned text detection model
  det_device: "gpu"
  rec_model: PP-OCRv4_server_rec  # Can be modified to the local path of the fine-tuned text recognition model
  rec_batch_size: 1
  rec_device: "gpu"
Then, refer to the command line method or Python script method to load the modified pipeline configuration file.

If the results are satisfactory, proceed with Development Integration/Deployment. If not, return to Model Selection to continue fine-tuning other task modules until you achieve satisfactory results.

6. Development Integration and Deployment

If the pre-trained pipeline meets your requirements for inference speed and accuracy, you can proceed directly to development integration/deployment.

If you need to apply the pipeline directly in your Python project, you can refer to the PaddleX Pipeline Python Script Usage Guide and the Python example code in the Quick Start section.

In addition, PaddleX also provides three other deployment methods, with detailed instructions as follows:

🚀 high-performance inference: In actual production environments, many applications have stringent standards for the performance metrics (especially response speed) of deployment strategies to ensure efficient system operation and smooth user experience. To this end, PaddleX provides high-performance inference plugins that aim to deeply optimize model inference and pre/post-processing for significant speedups in the end-to-end process. Refer to the PaddleX High-Performance Inference Guide for detailed high-performance inference procedures.

☁️ Serving: Serving is a common deployment strategy in real-world production environments. By encapsulating inference functions into services, clients can access these services via network requests to obtain inference results. PaddleX supports various solutions for serving pipelines. For detailed pipeline serving procedures, please refer to the PaddleX Pipeline Serving Guide.

📱 Edge Deployment: Edge deployment is a method that places computing and data processing capabilities on user devices themselves, allowing devices to process data directly without relying on remote servers. PaddleX supports deploying models on edge devices such as Android. Refer to the PaddleX Edge Deployment Guide for detailed edge deployment procedures.

Choose the appropriate deployment method for your model pipeline based on your needs, and proceed with subsequent AI application integration.

❗ PaddleX provides detailed usage instructions for each pipeline. You can choose according to your needs. Here are all the pipelines and their corresponding detailed instructions:

Pipeline Name Detailed Description
PP-ChatOCR-doc v3 PP-ChatOCR-doc v3 Pipeline Usage Tutorial
Image Classification Image Classification Pipeline Usage Tutorial
Object Detection Object Detection Pipeline Usage Tutorial
Instance Segmentation Instance Segmentation Pipeline Usage Tutorial
Semantic Segmentation Semantic Segmentation Pipeline Usage Tutorial
Image Multi-label Classification Image Multi-label Classification Pipeline Usage Tutorial
Image Recognition Image Recognition Pipeline Usage Tutorial
Pedestrian Attribute Recognition Pedestrian Attribute Recognition Pipeline Usage Tutorial
Vehicle Attribute Recognition Vehicle Attribute Recognition Pipeline Usage Tutorial
Face Recognition Face Recognition Pipeline Usage Tutorial
Small Object Detection Small Object Detection Pipeline Usage Tutorial
Image Anomaly Detection Image Anomaly Detection Pipeline Usage Tutorial
Human Keypoint Detection Human Keypoint Detection Pipeline Usage Tutorial
Open Vocabulary Detection Open Vocabulary Detection Pipeline Usage Tutorial
Open Vocabulary Segmentation Open Vocabulary Segmentation Pipeline Usage Tutorial
Rotated Object Detection Rotated Object Detection Pipeline Usage Tutorial
3D Bev Detection 3D Bev Detection Pipeline Usage Tutorial
OCR OCR Pipeline Usage Tutorial
Table Recognition Table Recognition Pipeline Usage Tutorial
Table Recognition v2 Table Recognition v2 Pipeline Usage Tutorial
Layout Parsing Layout Parsing Pipeline Usage Tutorial
Layout Parsing v2 Layout Parsing v2 Pipeline Usage Tutorial
Formula Recognition Formula Recognition Pipeline Usage Tutorial
Seal Recognition Seal Recognition Pipeline Usage Tutorial
Document Image Preprocessing Document Image Preprocessing Pipeline Usage Tutorial
Time Series Forecasting Time Series Forecasting Pipeline Usage Tutorial
Time Series Anomaly Detection Time Series Anomaly Detection Pipeline Usage Tutorial
Time Series Classification Time Series Classification Pipeline Usage Tutorial
Multilingual Speech Recognition Multilingual Speech Recognition Pipeline Usage Tutorial
Video Classification Video Classification Pipeline Usage Tutorial
Video Detection Video Detection Pipeline Usage Tutorial
