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Semantic Segmentation Module Development Tutorial

I. Overview

Semantic segmentation is a technique in computer vision that classifies each pixel in an image, dividing the image into distinct semantic regions, with each region corresponding to a specific category. This technique generates detailed segmentation maps, clearly revealing objects and their boundaries in the image, providing powerful support for image analysis and understanding.

II. Supported Model List

Model NameModel Download Link mIoU (%) GPU Inference Time (ms) CPU Inference Time (ms) Model Size (M)
OCRNet_HRNet-W48Inference Model/Trained Model 82.15 78.9976 2226.95 249.8 M
PP-LiteSeg-TInference Model/Trained Model 73.10 7.6827 138.683 28.5 M

❗ The above list features the 2 core models that the image classification module primarily supports. In total, this module supports 18 models. The complete list of models is as follows:

👉Model List Details
Model NameModel Download Link mIoU (%) GPU Inference Time (ms) CPU Inference Time (ms) Model Size (M)
Deeplabv3_Plus-R50Inference Model/Trained Model 80.36 61.0531 1513.58 94.9 M
Deeplabv3_Plus-R101Inference Model/Trained Model 81.10 100.026 2460.71 162.5 M
Deeplabv3-R50Inference Model/Trained Model 79.90 82.2631 1735.83 138.3 M
Deeplabv3-R101Inference Model/Trained Model 80.85 121.492 2685.51 205.9 M
OCRNet_HRNet-W18Inference Model/Trained Model 80.67 48.2335 906.385 43.1 M
OCRNet_HRNet-W48Inference Model/Trained Model 82.15 78.9976 2226.95 249.8 M
PP-LiteSeg-TInference Model/Trained Model 73.10 7.6827 138.683 28.5 M
PP-LiteSeg-BInference Model/Trained Model 75.25 10.9935 194.727 47.0 M
SegFormer-B0 (slice)Inference Model/Trained Model 76.73 11.1946 268.929 13.2 M
SegFormer-B1 (slice)Inference Model/Trained Model 78.35 17.9998 403.393 48.5 M
SegFormer-B2 (slice)Inference Model/Trained Model 81.60 48.0371 1248.52 96.9 M
SegFormer-B3 (slice)Inference Model/Trained Model 82.47 64.341 1666.35 167.3 M
SegFormer-B4 (slice)Inference Model/Trained Model 82.38 82.4336 1995.42 226.7 M
SegFormer-B5 (slice)Inference Model/Trained Model 82.58 97.3717 2420.19 229.7 M

The accuracy metrics of the above models are measured on the Cityscapes dataset. GPU inference time is based on an NVIDIA Tesla T4 machine with FP32 precision. CPU inference speed is based on an Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 5117 CPU @ 2.00GHz with 8 threads and FP32 precision.

Model NameModel Download Link mIoU (%) GPU Inference Time (ms) CPU Inference Time Model Size (M)
SeaFormer_base(slice)Inference Model/Trained Model 40.92 24.4073 397.574 30.8 M
SeaFormer_large (slice)Inference Model/Trained Model 43.66 27.8123 550.464 49.8 M
SeaFormer_small (slice)Inference Model/Trained Model 38.73 19.2295 358.343 14.3 M
SeaFormer_tiny (slice)Inference Model/Trained Model 34.58 13.9496 330.132 6.1M

The accuracy metrics of the SeaFormer series models are measured on the ADE20k dataset. GPU inference time is based on an NVIDIA Tesla T4 machine with FP32 precision. CPU inference speed is based on an Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 5117 CPU @ 2.00GHz with 8 threads and FP32 precision.

III. Quick Integration

❗ Before quick integration, please install the PaddleX wheel package. For detailed instructions, refer to the PaddleX Local Installation Guide

Just a few lines of code can complete the inference of the Semantic Segmentation module, allowing you to easily switch between models under this module. You can also integrate the model inference of the the Semantic Segmentation module into your project. Before running the following code, please download the demo image to your local machine.

from paddlex import create_model
model = create_model("PP-LiteSeg-T")
output = model.predict("general_semantic_segmentation_002.png", batch_size=1)
for res in output:
For more information on using PaddleX's single-model inference API, refer to the PaddleX Single Model Python Script Usage Instructions.

IV. Custom Development

If you seek higher accuracy, you can leverage PaddleX's custom development capabilities to develop better Semantic Segmentation models. Before developing a Semantic Segmentation model with PaddleX, ensure you have installed PaddleClas plugin for PaddleX. The installation process can be found in the custom development section of the PaddleX Local Installation Tutorial.

4.1 Dataset Preparation

Before model training, you need to prepare a dataset for the task. PaddleX provides data validation functionality for each module. Only data that passes validation can be used for model training. Additionally, PaddleX provides demo datasets for each module, which you can use to complete subsequent development. If you wish to use private datasets for model training, refer to PaddleX Semantic Segmentation Task Module Data Preparation Tutorial.

4.1.1 Demo Data Download

You can download the demo dataset to a specified folder using the following commands:

wget -P ./dataset
tar -xf ./dataset/seg_optic_examples.tar -C ./dataset/

4.1.2 Data Validation

Data validation can be completed with a single command:

python -c paddlex/configs/semantic_segmentation/PP-LiteSeg-T.yaml \
    -o Global.mode=check_dataset \
    -o Global.dataset_dir=./dataset/seg_optic_examples

After executing the above command, PaddleX will verify the dataset and collect basic information about it. Once the command runs successfully, a message saying Check dataset passed ! will be printed in the log. The verification results will be saved in ./output/check_dataset_result.json, and related outputs will be stored in the ./output/check_dataset directory, including visual examples of sample images and a histogram of sample distribution.

👉 Verification Result Details (click to expand)

The specific content of the verification result file is:

  "done_flag": true,
  "check_pass": true,
  "attributes": {
    "train_sample_paths": [
    "train_samples": 267,
    "val_sample_paths": [
    "val_samples": 76,
    "num_classes": 2
  "analysis": {
    "histogram": "check_dataset/histogram.png"
  "dataset_path": "./dataset/seg_optic_examples",
  "show_type": "image",
  "dataset_type": "SegDataset"

The verification results above indicate that check_pass being True means the dataset format meets the requirements. Explanations for other indicators are as follows:

  • attributes.num_classes: The number of classes in this dataset is 2;
  • attributes.train_samples: The number of training samples in this dataset is 267;
  • attributes.val_samples: The number of validation samples in this dataset is 76;
  • attributes.train_sample_paths: A list of relative paths to the visualization images of training samples in this dataset;
  • attributes.val_sample_paths: A list of relative paths to the visualization images of validation samples in this dataset;

The dataset verification also analyzes the distribution of sample numbers across all classes and plots a histogram (histogram.png):

4.1.3 Dataset Format Conversion/Dataset Splitting (Optional) (Click to Expand)

👉 Details on Format Conversion/Dataset Splitting (Click to Expand)

After completing dataset verification, you can convert the dataset format or re-split the training/validation ratio by modifying the configuration file or appending hyperparameters.

(1) Dataset Format Conversion

Semantic segmentation supports converting LabelMe format datasets to the required format.

Parameters related to dataset verification can be set by modifying the CheckDataset fields in the configuration file. Example explanations for some parameters in the configuration file are as follows:

  • CheckDataset:
  • convert:
  • enable: Whether to enable dataset format conversion, supporting LabelMe format conversion, default is False;
  • src_dataset_type: If dataset format conversion is enabled, the source dataset format needs to be set, default is null, and the supported source dataset format is LabelMe;

For example, if you want to convert a LabelMe format dataset, you can download a sample LabelMe format dataset as follows:

wget -P ./dataset
tar -xf ./dataset/seg_dataset_to_convert.tar -C ./dataset/

After downloading, modify the paddlex/configs/semantic_segmentation/PP-LiteSeg-T.yaml configuration as follows:

    enable: True
    src_dataset_type: LabelMe

Then execute the command:

python -c paddlex/configs/semantic_segmentation/PP-LiteSeg-T.yaml \
    -o Global.mode=check_dataset \
    -o Global.dataset_dir=./dataset/seg_dataset_to_convert

Of course, the above parameters also support being set by appending command-line arguments. For a LabelMe format dataset, the command is:

python -c paddlex/configs/semantic_segmentation/PP-LiteSeg-T.yaml \
    -o Global.mode=check_dataset \
    -o Global.dataset_dir=./dataset/seg_dataset_to_convert \
    -o CheckDataset.convert.enable=True \
    -o CheckDataset.convert.src_dataset_type=LabelMe

(2) Dataset Splitting

Parameters for dataset splitting can be set by modifying the CheckDataset fields in the configuration file. Example explanations for some parameters in the configuration file are as follows:

  • CheckDataset:
  • split:
  • enable: Whether to enable re-splitting the dataset, set to True to perform dataset splitting, default is False;
  • train_percent: If re-splitting the dataset, set the percentage of the training set, which should be an integer between 0 and 100, ensuring the sum with val_percent is 100;

For example, if you want to re-split the dataset with a 90% training set and a 10% validation set, modify the configuration file as follows:

    enable: True
    train_percent: 90
    val_percent: 10

Then execute the command:

python -c paddlex/configs/semantic_segmentation/PP-LiteSeg-T.yaml \
    -o Global.mode=check_dataset \
    -o Global.dataset_dir=./dataset/seg_optic_examples

After dataset splitting, the original annotation files will be renamed to xxx.bak in the original path.

The above parameters also support setting through appending command line arguments:

python -c paddlex/configs/semantic_segmentation/PP-LiteSeg-T.yaml  \
    -o Global.mode=check_dataset \
    -o Global.dataset_dir=./dataset/seg_optic_examples \
    -o CheckDataset.split.enable=True \
    -o CheckDataset.split.train_percent=90 \
    -o CheckDataset.split.val_percent=10

4.2 Model Training

Model training can be completed with just one command. Here, we use the semantic segmentation model (PP-LiteSeg-T) as an example:

python -c paddlex/configs/semantic_segmentation/PP-LiteSeg-T.yaml \
    -o Global.mode=train \
    -o Global.dataset_dir=./dataset/seg_optic_examples

You need to follow these steps:

  • Specify the .yaml configuration file path for the model (here it's PP-LiteSeg-T.yaml,When training other models, you need to specify the corresponding configuration files. The relationship between the model and configuration files can be found in the PaddleX Model List (CPU/GPU)).
  • Set the mode to model training: -o Global.mode=train
  • Specify the training dataset path: -o Global.dataset_dir

Other related parameters can be set by modifying the Global and Train fields in the .yaml configuration file, or adjusted by appending parameters in the command line. For example, to train using the first two GPUs: -o Global.device=gpu:0,1; to set the number of training epochs to 10: -o Train.epochs_iters=10. For more modifiable parameters and their detailed explanations, refer to the PaddleX Common Configuration Parameters Documentation.

👉 More Details (Click to Expand)
  • During model training, PaddleX automatically saves model weight files, with the default path being output. To specify a different save path, use the -o Global.output field in the configuration file.
  • PaddleX abstracts the concepts of dynamic graph weights and static graph weights from you. During model training, both dynamic and static graph weights are produced, and static graph weights are used by default for model inference.
  • After model training, all outputs are saved in the specified output directory (default is ./output/), typically including:

  • train_result.json: Training result record file, including whether the training task completed successfully, produced weight metrics, and related file paths.

  • train.log: Training log file, recording model metric changes, loss changes, etc.
  • config.yaml: Training configuration file, recording the hyperparameters used for this training session.
  • .pdparams, .pdema, .pdopt.pdstate, .pdiparams, .pdmodel: Model weight-related files, including network parameters, optimizer, EMA, static graph network parameters, and static graph network structure.

4.3 Model Evaluation

After model training, you can evaluate the specified model weights on the validation set to verify model accuracy. Using PaddleX for model evaluation requires just one command:

python -c paddlex/configs/semantic_segmentation/PP-LiteSeg-T.yaml \
    -o Global.mode=evaluate \
    -o Global.dataset_dir=./dataset/seg_optic_examples

Similar to model training, follow these steps:

  • Specify the .yaml configuration file path for the model (here it's PP-LiteSeg-T.yaml).
  • Set the mode to model evaluation: -o Global.mode=evaluate
  • Specify the validation dataset path: -o Global.dataset_dir

Other related parameters can be set by modifying the Global and Evaluate fields in the .yaml configuration file. For more details, refer to the PaddleX Common Configuration Parameters Documentation.

👉 More Details (Click to Expand)

When evaluating the model, you need to specify the model weight file path. Each configuration file has a default weight save path. If you need to change it, simply append the command line parameter, e.g., -o Evaluate.weight_path=./output/best_model/best_model.pdparams.

After model evaluation, the following outputs are typically produced:

  • evaluate_result.json: Records the evaluation results, specifically whether the evaluation task completed successfully and the model's evaluation metrics, including mIoU.

4.4 Model Inference and Integration

After model training and evaluation, you can use the trained model weights for inference predictions or Python integration.

4.4.1 Model Inference

To perform inference predictions via the command line, use the following command. Before running the following code, please download the demo image to your local machine.

python -c paddlex/configs/semantic_segmentation/PP-LiteSeg-T.yaml \
    -o Global.mode=predict \
    -o Predict.model_dir="./output/best_model/inference" \
    -o Predict.input="general_semantic_segmentation_002.png"

Similar to model training and evaluation, the following steps are required:

  • Specify the .yaml configuration file path of the model (here it's PP-LCNet_x1_0_doc_ori.yaml)

  • Set the mode to model inference prediction: -o Global.mode=predict

  • Specify the model weights path: -o Predict.model_dir="./output/best_model/inference"

Specify the input data path: -o Predict.inputh="..." Other related parameters can be set by modifying the fields under Global and Predict in the .yaml configuration file. For details, refer to PaddleX Common Model Configuration File Parameter Description.

Alternatively, you can use the PaddleX wheel package for inference, easily integrating the model into your own projects.

4.4.2 Model Integration

The model can be directly integrated into the PaddleX pipeline or into your own projects.

  1. Pipeline Integration

The document semantic segmentation module can be integrated into PaddleX pipelines such as the Semantic Segmentation Pipeline (Seg). Simply replace the model path to update the The document semantic segmentation module's model.

  1. Module Integration

The weights you produce can be directly integrated into the semantic segmentation module. You can refer to the Python sample code in Quick Integration and just replace the model with the path to the model you trained.
