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PaddleX Video Classification Task Module Data Annotation Tutorial

This document will introduce how to use the BILS annotation tool to complete data annotation for video classification-related single models. Click the above link to install the data annotation tool and view the detailed usage process by referring to the homepage documentation.

1. BILS Annotation

1.1 Introduction to BILS Annotation Tool

BILS (Baidu Intelligent Labeling System) is a video annotation software that supports tagging on the timeline and can be used for annotation tasks such as video event localization and short video classification. The user interface is simple, and the operation is easy and intuitive.

1.2 BILS Installation

Click the download link to download the installation package locally, and then follow the prompts to install it step-by-step.

macOS: dmg package download

Windows: exe file download

Instructional video: video download

1.3 BILS Annotation Process

1.3.1 Prepare Data to Be Annotated

  • Create a root directory for the dataset, such as video_cls.
  • Create a videos directory within video_cls and store the videos to be annotated in the videos directory, as shown below:

1.3.2 BILS

Click the BILS software icon to launch the BILS annotation tool.

1.3.3 Start Video Annotation

  • After launching BILS, it will look like this:

  • Click the Settings button in the right navigation bar, fill in the project name, and set both the project directory and dataset directory to the storage directory of the videos to be annotated, i.e., video_cls/videos. Click the Update Files button to read the videos to be annotated. After updating the files, the first video in the video folder will play automatically, and you can click the arrow icons to pause, play, or replay.

  • Click the Annotation button in the right navigation bar. The default labels are Goal, Three-pointer, Two-pointer. If you need to create a new label, click the Edit icon, create a new label, and rename it. Here, Drumming is used as an example.

  • Hold down the Option key and click somewhere in the video clip to set the start and end times of the video. Click the trash can icon to delete previously annotated labels. After determining the start and end times of the video clip, check Drumming, and the action category of the current time segment will be marked as Drumming. Finally, click the OK icon to save the current label to the BILS format annotation file.

  • After completing the annotation of the current video, click the Folder Mode icon to switch to the video file mode. Then, click on the next video that needs annotation and repeat the above annotation process.

  • After annotating all videos, click the Export icon to export the annotated label files.

  • After obtaining the exported JSON file (the default name is ai.json), use the script to convert the exported dataset into the Video Classification dataset format. Generate train.txt, val.txt, and label.txt.

python --dataset_path /path/to/dataset
dataset_path is the annotated BILS format classification dataset.

2. Data Format

  • The dataset defined by PaddleX for the video classification task is named VideoClsDataset, with the following organization structure and annotation format:
dataset_dir    # Root directory of the dataset, the directory name can be changed
├── videos     # Directory for storing videos, the directory name can be changed, but note the correspondence with the content of train.txt and val.txt
├── label.txt  # Correspondence between annotation IDs and category names, the file name cannot be changed. Each line gives the category ID and category name, for example: 0 abseiling
├── train.txt  # Training set annotation file, the file name cannot be changed. Each line gives the video path and video category ID, separated by a space, for example: videos/Qbo_tnzfjOY.mp4 2
└── val.txt    # Validation set annotation file, the file name cannot be changed. Each line gives the video path and video category ID, separated by a space, for example: videos/3caPS4FHFF8.mp4 0

Annotation files are in video format. Please prepare your data by referring to the above specifications, and you can also refer to the example dataset.
