The layout analysis English model trained on the PubLayNet dataset based on PicoDet LCNet_x1_0 and FGD . the model can recognition 5 types of areas such as Text, Title, Table, Picture and List
The layout analysis Chinese model trained on the CDLA dataset, the model can recognition 10 types of areas such as Table、Figure、Figure caption、Table、Table caption、Header、Footer、Reference、Equation
If you need to use other OCR models, you can download the model in PP-OCR model_list or use the model you trained yourself to configure to det_model_dir, rec_model_dir field.
Note: The above time cost information just considers inference time without preprocess or postprocess, test environment: V100 GPU + CUDA 10.2 + CUDNN 8.1.1 + TRT
On wildreceipt dataset, the algorithm result is as follows: