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Recently Update

2022.5.9 release PaddleOCR v2.5, including

  • PP-OCRv3: With comparable speed, the effect of Chinese scene is further improved by 5% compared with PP-OCRv2, the effect of English scene is improved by 11%, and the average recognition accuracy of 80 language multilingual models is improved by more than 5%.
  • PPOCRLabelv2: Add the annotation function for table recognition task, key information extraction task and irregular text image.
  • Interactive e-book "Dive into OCR", covers the cutting-edge theory and code practice of OCR full stack technology.

2022.5.7 Add support for metric and model logging during training to Weights & Biases

2021.12.21 OCR open source online course starts. The lesson starts at 8:30 every night and lasts for ten days. Free registration:

2021.12.21 release PaddleOCR v2.4, release 1 text detection algorithm (PSENet), 3 text recognition algorithms (NRTR、SEED、SAR), 1 key information extraction algorithm (SDMGR) and 3 DocVQA algorithms (LayoutLM、LayoutLMv2,LayoutXLM)

2021.9.7 release PaddleOCR v2.3, PP-OCRv2 is proposed. The CPU inference speed of PP-OCRv2 is 220% higher than that of PP-OCR server. The F-score of PP-OCRv2 is 7% higher than that of PP-OCR mobile

2021.8.3 released PaddleOCR v2.2, add a new structured documents analysis toolkit, i.e., PP-Structure, support layout analysis and table recognition (One-key to export chart images to Excel files)

2021.4.8 release end-to-end text recognition algorithm PGNet which is published in AAAI 2021. Find tutorial here;release multi language recognition models, support more than 80 languages recognition; especically, the performance of English recognition model is Optimized

2021.1.21 update more than 25+ multilingual recognition models models list, including:English, Chinese, German, French, Japanese,Spanish,Portuguese Russia Arabic and so on. Models for more languages will continue to be updated Develop Plan

2020.12.15 update Data synthesis tool, i.e., Style-Text,easy to synthesize a large number of images which are similar to the target scene image

2020.11.25 Update a new data annotation tool, i.e., PPOCRLabel, which is helpful to improve the labeling efficiency. Moreover, the labeling results can be used in training of the PP-OCR system directly

2020.9.22 Update the PP-OCR technical article,

2020.9.19 Update the ultra lightweight compressed ppocr_mobile_slim series models, the overall model size is 3.5M, suitable for mobile deployment

2020.9.17 update English recognition model and Multilingual recognition model, English, Chinese, German, French, Japanese and Korean have been supported. Models for more languages will continue to be updated

2020.8.24 Support the use of PaddleOCR through whl package installation,pelease refer PaddleOCR Package

2020.8.16 Release text detection algorithm SAST and text recognition algorithm SRN

2020.7.23, Release the playback and PPT of live class on BiliBili station, PaddleOCR Introduction, address

2020.7.15, Add mobile App demo , support both iOS and Android ( based on easyedge and Paddle Lite)

2020.7.15, Improve the deployment ability, add the C + + inference , serving deployment. In addtion, the benchmarks of the ultra-lightweight Chinese OCR model are provided

2020.7.9 Add a new model to support recognize the character "space"

2020.7.9 Add the data augument and learning rate decay strategies during training

2020.6.8 Add datasets and keep updating

2020.6.5 Support exporting attention model to inference_model

2020.6.5 Support separate prediction and recognition, output result score

2020.5.30 Provide Lightweight Chinese OCR online experience

2020.5.30 Model prediction and training support on Windows system

2020.5.30 Open source general Chinese OCR model

2020.5.14 Release PaddleOCR Open Class

2020.5.14 Release PaddleOCR Practice Notebook

2020.5.14 Open source 8.6M lightweight Chinese OCR model
