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⏭️ Quick Start

🛠️ Installation

❗Before installing PaddleX, please ensure you have a basic Python runtime environment (Note: Currently supports running under Python 3.8 to Python 3.10, with more Python versions under adaptation). The PaddlePaddle version required by PaddleX

  • Installing PaddlePaddle
python -m pip install paddlepaddle==3.0.0rc0 -i

# gpu,requires GPU driver version ≥450.80.02 (Linux) or ≥452.39 (Windows)
python -m pip install paddlepaddle-gpu==3.0.0rc0 -i

# gpu,requires GPU driver version ≥545.23.06 (Linux) or ≥545.84 (Windows)
python -m pip install paddlepaddle-gpu==3.0.0rc0 -i

❗No need to focus on the CUDA version on the physical machine, only the GPU driver version needs attention. For more information on PaddlePaddle Wheel versions, please refer to the PaddlePaddle Official Website.

  • Installing PaddleX
pip install

❗For more installation methods, refer to the PaddleX Installation Guide.

💻 CLI Usage

One command can quickly experience the pipeline effect, the unified CLI format is:

paddlex --pipeline [Pipeline Name] --input [Input Image] --device [Running Device]

Each Pipeline in PaddleX corresponds to specific parameters, which you can view in the respective Pipeline documentation for detailed explanations. Each Pipeline requires specifying three necessary parameters:

  • pipeline: The name of the Pipeline or the configuration file of the Pipeline
  • input: The local path, directory, or URL of the input file (e.g., an image) to be processed
  • device: The hardware device and its index to use (e.g., gpu:0 indicates using the 0th GPU), or you can choose to use NPU (npu:0), XPU (xpu:0), CPU (cpu), etc.

For example, using the OCR pipeline:

paddlex --pipeline OCR \
        --input \
        --use_doc_orientation_classify False \
        --use_doc_unwarping False \
        --use_textline_orientation False \
        --save_path ./output \
        --device gpu:0

👉 Click to view the running result

{'res': {'input_path': 'general_ocr_002.png', 'page_index': None, 'model_settings': {'use_doc_preprocessor': False, 'use_textline_orientation': False}, 'doc_preprocessor_res': {'input_path': None, 'model_settings': {'use_doc_orientation_classify': True, 'use_doc_unwarping': False}, 'angle': 0},'dt_polys': [array([[ 3, 10],
       [82, 10],
       [82, 33],
       [ 3, 33]], dtype=int16), ...], 'text_det_params': {'limit_side_len': 960, 'limit_type': 'max', 'thresh': 0.3, 'box_thresh': 0.6, 'unclip_ratio': 2.0}, 'text_type': 'general', 'textline_orientation_angles': [-1, ...], 'text_rec_score_thresh': 0.0, 'rec_texts': ['www.99*', ...], 'rec_scores': [0.8980069160461426,  ...], 'rec_polys': [array([[ 3, 10],
       [82, 10],
       [82, 33],
       [ 3, 33]], dtype=int16), ...], 'rec_boxes': array([[  3,  10,  82,  33], ...], dtype=int16)}}

The visualization result is as follows:

alt text

To use the command line for other pipelines, simply adjust the pipeline parameter to the name of the corresponding pipeline and modify the parameters accordingly. Below are the commands for each pipeline:

👉 More CLI usage for pipelines
Pipeline Name Command
OCR paddlex --pipeline OCR --input --use_doc_orientation_classify False --use_doc_unwarping False --use_textline_orientation False --save_path ./output --device gpu:0
Document Image Preprocessor paddlex --pipeline doc_preprocessor --input --use_doc_orientation_classify True --use_doc_unwarping True --save_path ./output --device gpu:0
Table Recognition paddlex --pipeline table_recognition --input --save_path ./output --device gpu:0
Table Recognition v2 paddlex --pipeline table_recognition_v2 --input --save_path ./output --device gpu:0
Formula Recognition paddlex --pipeline formula_recognition --input --use_layout_detection True --use_doc_orientation_classify False --use_doc_unwarping False --layout_threshold 0.5 --layout_nms True --layout_unclip_ratio 1.0 --layout_merge_bboxes_mode large --save_path ./output --device gpu:0
Seal Recognition paddlex --pipeline seal_recognition --input --use_doc_orientation_classify False --use_doc_unwarping False --device gpu:0 --save_path ./output
Layout Parsing paddlex --pipeline layout_parsing --input --use_doc_orientation_classify False --use_doc_unwarping False --use_textline_orientation False --save_path ./output --device gpu:0
Layout Parsing v2 paddlex --pipeline layout_parsing_v2 --input --use_doc_orientation_classify False --use_doc_unwarping False --use_textline_orientation False --save_path ./output --device gpu:0

📝 Python Script Usage

A few lines of code can complete the quick inference of the pipeline, the unified Python script format is as follows:

from paddlex import create_pipeline

pipeline = create_pipeline(pipeline=[Pipeline Name])
output = pipeline.predict([Input Image Name])
for res in output:
The following steps are executed:

  • create_pipeline() instantiates the pipeline object
  • Passes the image and calls the predict() method of the pipeline object for inference prediction
  • Processes the prediction results

To use the Python script for other pipelines, simply adjust the pipeline parameter in the create_pipeline() method to the name of the corresponding pipeline and modify the parameters accordingly. Below are the parameter names and detailed usage explanations for each pipeline:

👉 More Python script usage for pipelines

pipeline Name Corresponding Parameter Detailed Explanation
OCR OCR Instructions for Using the General OCR Pipeline Python Script
Document Image Preprocessing doc_preprocessor Instructions for Using the Document Image Preprocessing Pipeline Python Script
Table Recognition table_recognition Instructions for Using the General Table Recognition Pipeline Python Script
Table Recognition v2 table_recognition_v2 Instructions for Using the General Table Recognition v2 Pipeline Python Script
Formula Recognition formula_recognition Instructions for Using the Formula Recognition Pipeline Python Script
Seal Recognition seal_recognition Instructions for Using the Seal Text Recognition Pipeline Python Script
Layout Parsing layout_parsing Instructions for Using the General Layout Parsing Pipeline Python Script
Layout Parsing v2 layout_parsing_v2 Instructions for Using the General Layout Parsing v2 Pipeline Python Script
PP-ChatOCRv3-doc PP-ChatOCRv3-doc PP-ChatOCRv3-doc Pipeline Python Script Usage Instructions
PP-ChatOCRv4-doc PP-ChatOCRv4-doc PP-ChatOCRv4-doc Pipeline Python Script Usage Instructions