本章节介绍 PaddleOCR 模型如何转化为 ONNX 模型,并基于 ONNXRuntime 引擎预测。
1. 环境准备
需要准备 PaddleOCR、Paddle2ONNX 模型转化环境,和 ONNXRuntime 预测环境
克隆PaddleOCR的仓库,使用 main 分支,并进行安装,由于 PaddleOCR 仓库比较大,git clone 速度比较慢,所以本教程已下载
| git clone -b main
cd PaddleOCR && python3 -m pip install -e .
Paddle2ONNX 支持将 PaddlePaddle 模型格式转化到 ONNX 模型格式,算子目前稳定支持导出 ONNX Opset 9~18,部分Paddle算子支持更低的ONNX Opset转换。
更多细节可参考 Paddle2ONNX
| python3 -m pip install paddle2onnx
| python3 -m pip install onnxruntime
2. 模型转换
Paddle 模型下载
有两种方式获取Paddle静态图模型:在 model_list 中下载PaddleOCR提供的预测模型;参考模型导出说明把训练好的权重转为推理模型。
以 PP-OCR 系列中文检测、识别、分类模型为例:
使用 Paddle2ONNX 将Paddle静态图模型转换为ONNX模型格式:
执行完毕后,ONNX 模型会被分别保存在 ./inference/det_onnx/
另外,以下几个模型暂不支持转换为 ONNX 模型:
注意:Paddle2ONNX 版本 v1.2.3后已默认支持动态shape,即 float32[p2o.DynamicDimension.0,3,p2o.DynamicDimension.1,p2o.DynamicDimension.2]
,选项 --input_shape_dict
| python3 -m paddle2onnx.optimize --input_model inference/det_onnx/model.onnx \
--output_model inference/det_onnx/model.onnx \
--input_shape_dict "{'x': [-1,3,-1,-1]}"
如你对导出的 ONNX 模型有优化的需求,推荐使用 onnxslim 对模型进行优化:
| pip install onnxslim
onnxslim model.onnx slim.onnx
3. 推理预测
以中文OCR模型为例,使用 ONNXRuntime 预测可执行如下命令:
| python3 tools/infer/ --use_gpu=False --use_onnx=True \
--det_model_dir=./inference/det_onnx/model.onnx \
--rec_model_dir=./inference/rec_onnx/model.onnx \
--cls_model_dir=./inference/cls_onnx/model.onnx \
以中文OCR模型为例,使用 Paddle Inference 预测可执行如下命令:
执行命令后在终端会打印出预测的识别信息,并在 ./inference_results/
ONNXRuntime 执行效果:

Paddle Inference 执行效果:

使用 ONNXRuntime 预测,终端输出:
| [2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: dt_boxes num : 38, elapse : 0.043187856674194336
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: rec_res num : 38, elapse : 0.592170000076294
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 0 Predict time of ./deploy/lite/imgs/lite_demo.png: 0.642s
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: The, 0.984
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: visualized, 0.882
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: etect18片, 0.720
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: image saved in./vis.jpg, 0.947
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 纯臻营养护发素0.993604, 0.996
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 产品信息/参数, 0.922
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 0.992728, 0.914
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: (45元/每公斤,100公斤起订), 0.926
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 0.97417, 0.977
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 每瓶22元,1000瓶起订)0.993976, 0.962
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 【品牌】:代加工方式/0EMODM, 0.945
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 0.985133, 0.980
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 【品名】:纯臻营养护发素, 0.921
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 0.995007, 0.883
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 【产品编号】:YM-X-30110.96899, 0.955
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 【净含量】:220ml, 0.943
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: Q.996577, 0.932
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 【适用人群】:适合所有肤质, 0.913
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 0.995842, 0.969
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 【主要成分】:鲸蜡硬脂醇、燕麦B-葡聚, 0.883
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 0.961928, 0.964
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 10, 0.812
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 糖、椰油酰胺丙基甜菜碱、泛醒, 0.866
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 0.925898, 0.943
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: (成品包材), 0.974
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 0.972573, 0.961
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 【主要功能】:可紧致头发磷层,从而达到, 0.936
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 0.994448, 0.952
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 13, 0.998
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 即时持久改善头发光泽的效果,给干燥的头, 0.994
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 0.990198, 0.975
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 14, 0.977
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 发足够的滋养, 0.991
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 0.997668, 0.918
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: 花费了0.457335秒, 0.901
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root DEBUG: The visualized image saved in ./inference_results/lite_demo.png
[2022/02/22 17:48:27] root INFO: The predict total time is 0.7003889083862305
使用 Paddle Inference 预测,终端输出:
| [2022/02/22 17:47:25] root DEBUG: dt_boxes num : 38, elapse : 0.11791276931762695
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: rec_res num : 38, elapse : 2.6206860542297363
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 0 Predict time of ./deploy/lite/imgs/lite_demo.png: 2.746s
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: The, 0.984
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: visualized, 0.882
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: etect18片, 0.720
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: image saved in./vis.jpg, 0.947
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 纯臻营养护发素0.993604, 0.996
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 产品信息/参数, 0.922
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 0.992728, 0.914
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: (45元/每公斤,100公斤起订), 0.926
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 0.97417, 0.977
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 每瓶22元,1000瓶起订)0.993976, 0.962
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 【品牌】:代加工方式/0EMODM, 0.945
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 0.985133, 0.980
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 【品名】:纯臻营养护发素, 0.921
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 0.995007, 0.883
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 【产品编号】:YM-X-30110.96899, 0.955
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 【净含量】:220ml, 0.943
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: Q.996577, 0.932
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 【适用人群】:适合所有肤质, 0.913
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 0.995842, 0.969
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 【主要成分】:鲸蜡硬脂醇、燕麦B-葡聚, 0.883
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 0.961928, 0.964
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 10, 0.812
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 糖、椰油酰胺丙基甜菜碱、泛醒, 0.866
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 0.925898, 0.943
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: (成品包材), 0.974
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 0.972573, 0.961
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 【主要功能】:可紧致头发磷层,从而达到, 0.936
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 0.994448, 0.952
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 13, 0.998
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 即时持久改善头发光泽的效果,给干燥的头, 0.994
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 0.990198, 0.975
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 14, 0.977
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 发足够的滋养, 0.991
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 0.997668, 0.918
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: 花费了0.457335秒, 0.901
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root DEBUG: The visualized image saved in ./inference_results/lite_demo.png
[2022/02/22 17:47:27] root INFO: The predict total time is 2.8338775634765625