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C++ DSL API tutorial: Matrix Multiplication

This tutorial will guide you through the basic usage of the C++ DSL API.

#include <gtest/gtest.h>

#include "cinn/cinn.h"

using namespace cinn;  // NOLINT

Computation basic defition

Declare some varialbe for latter usages.

  Expr M(100), N(200), K(50);
  Var k(K, "k0");  // the reduce axis

Placeholder represents the input arguments for a computation.

  Placeholder<float> A("A", {M, K});
  Placeholder<float> B("B", {K, N});

Define a computation to get the result tensor C.

  auto C =
      Compute({M, N} /*domain*/, [=](Expr i, Expr j) { return ReduceSum(A(i, k) * B(k, j), {k} /*reduce axis*/); });

Generate the stages to get the default schedules.

  auto stages = CreateStages({C} /*the endpoints*/);

Print the generated IR, the Lower method just map a computation to the underlying CINN IR.

  auto fn = Lower("fn0", stages, {A, B, C} /*argument list of the fn*/);
  LOG(INFO) << "fn0:\n" << fn;

This will generate the code like

function fn0 (_A, _B, _tensor)
  for (i, 0, 100)
    for (j, 0, 200)
      tensor__reduce_init[i, j] = 0
      for (k0, 0, 50)
        tensor[i, j] = (tensor[i, j] + (A[i, k0] * B[k0, j]))

Print the IR as C code

  Target x;
  CodeGenC codegen(x);
  Module::Builder builder("module0", Target());
  codegen.SetInlineBuiltinCodes(false);  // Disable inserting the predefined runtime codes to the generated code.
  std::string C_source = codegen.Compile(builder.Build(), CodeGenC::OutputKind::CImpl);

and will get some code like

#include <cinn_runtime.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void fn0(void* _args, int32_t num_args)
  const cinn_buffer_t* _A = cinn_pod_value_to_buffer_p(&(((cinn_pod_value_t*)(_args))[0]));
  const cinn_buffer_t* _B = cinn_pod_value_to_buffer_p(&(((cinn_pod_value_t*)(_args))[1]));
  cinn_buffer_t* _tensor = cinn_pod_value_to_buffer_p(&(((cinn_pod_value_t*)(_args))[2]));
  cinn_buffer_malloc((void*)(0), _tensor);
  const float* A = ((const float*)(_A->memory));
  const float* B = ((const float*)(_B->memory));
  float* tensor = ((float*)(_tensor->memory));
  float* tensor__reduce_init = ((float*)(_tensor->memory));
  for (int32_t i = 0; i < 100; i += 1) {
    for (int32_t j = 0; j < 200; j += 1) {
      tensor__reduce_init[((200 * i) + j)] = 0;
      for (int32_t k0 = 0; k0 < 50; k0 += 1) {
        tensor[((200 * i) + j)] = (tensor[((200 * i) + j)] + (A[((50 * i) + k0)] * B[((200 * k0) + j)]));
  cinn_buffer_free((void*)(0), _tensor);

Basic schedule

The computation defines the basic way to compute the result while the schedules will guide the system to generate different codes. Each kind of code will result in different performance. Lets create a new stages to hold some schedules.

  auto stages1 = CreateStages({C});

Tile method will split the 0-th and 1-th axis tile by tile of 4.

  stages1[C]->Tile(0, 1, 4, 4);

The newly generated code is as follows

function fn1 (_A, _B, _tensor)
  for (i_outer, 0, 25)
    for (i_inner, 0, 4)
      for (j_outer, 0, 50)
        for (j_inner, 0, 4)
          tensor__reduce_init[((4 * i_outer) + i_inner), ((4 * j_outer) + j_inner)] = 0
          for (k0, 0, 50)
            tensor[((4 * i_outer) + i_inner), ((4 * j_outer) + j_inner)] = (tensor[((4 * i_outer) + i_inner), ((4 * j_outer) + j_inner)] + (A[((4 * i_outer) + i_inner), k0] * B[k0, ((4 * j_outer) + j_inner)]))